A ‌clean and organized home⁢ is really ⁣important, especially ‍when everything is ‌in its right spot. If ⁢you’re like me, it’s super hard to concentrate when your⁤ space is messy or things feel⁢ out of place.

But I didn’t always think this way. When I was younger,⁣ I didn’t care much about⁣ keeping ⁣things neat at home – my mom deserves the credit for making sure our house​ looked like it could be in a real ⁢estate ‍ad.

She shared lots of tips and tricks with me, ⁢especially ⁤on how to use those little cupboards that ⁣many kitchens have above the fridge. You know what I’m​ talking about? If you have them too, keep reading to find out how⁣ they⁢ can be used better.

At first sight, ⁤those ‍small cupboards above the refrigerator might not seem very useful.

They’re just not big enough ‍for some ⁣items, and putting ​plates or cups up there isn’t practical ⁤at ​all.

So what‍ can you do ⁣with them?

If you’re ⁣unsure about how to use these cupboards effectively, here are ⁣some clever ideas.

Storage for rarely used kitchen ⁣tools:

As ​mentioned earlier, these cupboards probably aren’t great for items you need every day but they can hold things that are only used occasionally. Think food processors or waffle makers.

Canned goods and baking supplies

Most canned foods last a long time⁢ so it’s fine if they sit up there for a bit. ‍Or consider storing‌ baking supplies that you only need on weekends!


Do you have cookbooks lying around? I do! So⁣ I ‌keep mine in the top part of my cupboard.

Credit/Shutterstock: Jeff Bukowski

Pantry ⁢items and spices

Just like canned goods we ⁤talked about earlier; there are pantry items⁢ that fit⁢ well in these cupboards too! You could also get a small ​spice ⁣rack to store your cooking spices up high.

Kitchen towels

Household stuff like kitchen towels bought in bulk (my wife does this) can ​go here as well.

Fine china
Have special plates or cutlery saved just for occasions? It ⁤makes sense to⁤ put them above the fridge where ⁢kids can’t reach easily!

Be careful
This should⁣ be obvious but let’s say it anyway: ⁢watch out when opening and closing those cupboards. If⁤ you’re lifting something heavy up there make sure it’s​ safe enough to take down⁣ again.

Always use ​a⁢ strong stool or ⁣ladder when reaching anything stored high up & remember heat from the fridge ‌below makes it less suitable for ‌certain products.

By admin

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